Diario Sur publishes about Aninver
Aninver is a market intelligence and business consulting company, which develops its activity in projects of strategy, finance, development aid, sustainability, public-private partnerships, infrastructure and tourism.

Aninver, the market intelligence and business consulting firm based in Malaga and focused on multilateral organizations, has won five new contracts worth approx. 800 thousand USD.
For the International Finance Corporation ("IFC"), the private sector arm of the World Bank, Aninver will develop an economic, financial and technical evaluation of a construction company in the Philippines. For another multilateral institution, the African Development Bank (based in Abidjan, Ivory Coast), Aninver has signed two contracts: one to provide technological support and training under the Souk At-tanmia program in Tunisia, a program to help entrepreneurs; and another contract to support the Bank's Private Sector in an analysis of its portfolio of financial products.
Aninver has also signed in the last weeks projects that suppose the start of activity of the firm in Latin America. Thus, the consultants will collaborate with a multinational consulting firm in a highway concession project in Colombia. In Brazil and for a private client that owns more than 2 million square meters of land in front of the beach in Rio Grande do Norte, Aninver will elaborate a feasibility study for a tourist project with several hotels.
Due to the strong growth experienced in recent months, Aninver has seen its workforce increase to 14 employees with a view to reaching 16 at the end of the year. The company is working continuously for the World Bank in managing the PPP Knowledge Lab web platform and the African Development Bank in the Fashionomics Africa initiative, which aims to boost the development of the fashion sector in Africa.
Álvaro de la Maza, partner of the company, comments: "We are very satisfied with how this year 2016 is going, with very good results in our business development activity that is 100% international. Our focus on emerging markets and working with multilateral financial institutions provides us with very good prospects for the coming months, and is allowing us to define strong but sustainable growth."
About Aninver
Aninver is a market intelligence and business consulting company, which develops its activity in projects of strategy, finance, development aid, sustainability, public-private partnerships, infrastructure and tourism. Aninver works on projects for relevant public and private clients on a global scale, with a clear mission: to help their clients make better decisions through market intelligence tools and to define high impact and implementable solutions for their complex management problems.
Aninver is an independent Spanish company, led by its partners Alvaro de la Maza and Jose de la Maza, the two founders and partners of the firm. Alvaro and Jose are both Civil Engineers and MBA by IESE. The Aninver's team is composed by IT, finance, tourism and infrastructure specialists. The headquarters of Aninver are located in Malaga, Spain. Aninver is a global firm, having developed consultancy projects in countries such as Germany, Austria, Ghana, Benin, Tunisia, Tanzania, Ivory Coast, Ethiopia, Togo and Egypt. Given the global nature of the company, the firm has clients around the world for its market intelligence services, but above all, located in the US, Canada, UK, Australia and South Korea.