AfDB engages Aninver to perform a Review of its Human Capital Strategy
The African Development Bank (AfDB) has awarded the contract to conduct the assignment “Mid-Term Review of the Human Capital Strategy” to Aninver. The contract was signed on November 24th, 2017
The African Development Bank (AfDB) awarded the contract to conduct the assignment “Mid-Term Review of the Human Capital Strategy” to Aninver. The contract was signed on November 24th, 2017, and the duration of the study will be four months. The contract value is Eur 60,300 plus travel expenses
The objective of the project is to undertake the Mid-Term Review (MTR) of the Human Capital Strategy (HCS) of the Bank for the period 2014-2017 and produce a report which (i) reviews and assesses human and financial resources mobilized for the implementation of HCS, results in terms of operations and reforms undertaken and other aspects of implementation progress to date (ii) reviews the HCS in light of the changes in the internal and external environments since the strategy was adopted, (iii) based on findings, make practical recommendations for the way forward for the remaining period based on the Bank’s comparative advantage as regards these changes, including proposal for revision/update.
From December 12th to December 14th 2017, a first 3-day mission to Abidjan took place to launch the project and start to collect relevant information and perform interviews with key stakeholders. This is the first project of Aninver for the Human and Social Development Department of the African Development Bank. The project will include traveling to the five regional offices of the Bank across Africa.