Pre-feasibility study for construction of silo storages in Northern Ghana through PPP

  • Ghana
Duration of assignment

7 months

Year: 2014 - 2015

  • World Bank
Area of Expertise
Description of project

The Government of Ghana has received funding from the International Development Association (IDA) and USAID for the implementation of the Ghana Commercial Agriculture Project (GCAP). The projects includes the Pre-Feasibility Analysis Report for the Rehabilitation and/or Construction of Agriculture Storage (Warehouse) Infrastructure. The overall objective of this consultancy is to design an approach to expand warehouse capacity in the SADA region through the use of PPP and matching grant modalities as appropriate. The assignment is to guide the GCAP project management team make an informed decision on the financially sustainable delivery model options for the rehabilitation of existing government-owned warehouses (brownfield) and/ or the construction of new warehouses (greenfield), through the development of a pre-feasibility study report.

Services provided
  • Lead the consortium of international consulting firms
  • Economic and financial modeling
  • Preparation of the Pre-feasibility study
  • Preparation and analysis of PPP delivery options
  • Communication and coordination of the project with the client
  • Implementation plan


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