Stakeholder Sensitization for the Blue Economy Policy Strategy in Belize
Description of project
The overall objective of this consultancy is to create a conducive environment for the implementation of the Blue Economy Policy Strategy and Implementation Plan. More specifically, the consultancy will design and implement communications and knowledge management activities that address stakeholder concerns and ensure that the key stakeholders are well-informed regarding the institutional and legislative framework for the Blue Economy in Belize.
Services provided
The duties of the consulting firm include:
4.1 Develop a website for the Ministry of the Blue Economy and Civil Aviation (MBECA), containing relevant information to raise awareness of the benefits of the Blue Economy. The site shall also serve as a tool to communicate the project achievements and share relevant information with stakeholders. The concept for the website (incl. wireframes, mockups, graphic line, etc.) must be submitted for approval prior to completion of the website. A web maintenance guide or plan should also be included for MBECA to implement once the consultancy has ended.
4.2 Review the outputs of previously conducted stakeholder engagements and conduct new stakeholder interviews and consultations to describe or validate the general national understanding of the Belize Blue Economy Development Policy, Strategy and Action Plan, and understand the roles of stakeholders in the BE institutional landscape, identifying major concerns held by these stakeholders.
4.3 Support stakeholder analysis including identification of key concerns, main expectations of, and level of engagement with the Belize Blue Economy Development Policy, Strategy and Action Plan.
4.4 Document the institutional arrangements, segregation and allocation of roles and responsibilities of the various sectors and industries that constitute the BE and develop public awareness and education material to be included on the MBECA website and in the communication plan to educate stakeholders and the general public about existing and proposed institutional arrangements.
4.5 Design and support the implementation of a preliminary communications campaign and a BE brand guideline to promote the Blue Economy in Belize. Where applicable, the campaign shall be in alignment with the MBECA’s “Climate Change Communication Strategy and Knowledge Management Plan for Belize's Coastal and Fisheries Sector (2023-2026).”
4.6 Organize awareness-raising workshops with key stakeholders to Build Community Engagement around BE and disseminate the activities and results of the project and communicate the benefits of the Blue Economy for sustainable development in Belize.
4.7 Support the elaboration and design of digital publications to disseminate the main findings of this operation regarding the Blue Economy.