The Gambia Digital Tourism Strategy

  • Gambia
Duration of assignment

3 months

Year: 2024

  • World Bank
Area of Expertise
Description of project

The objective of this assignment is to complement the National Tourism Policy and Strategy (2021-2031) with a national strategy for the digital transformation of the tourism sector. This will be done by carrying out a diagnosis of the tourism sector's digital needs and a mapping of the actors and will be based on international benchmarking.

The output of this grant will be used to support the of the Tourism Recovery, Diversification, and Resilience in The Gambia (TDRGP) project by leveraging the increased capacity in the use of data for tourism planning and digital marketing. The strategy should enable high-level leadership, reduce coordination failures, and provide a clear understanding of the gaps in digitalization at firm level.

The Digital Tourism Strategy will identify ways for Gambia’s tourism sector to increase productivity, and help firms and destinations to reduce costs, reach a much larger audience, and manage inventory more effectively.

Services provided

The consultant's role involves the following key tasks:

  1. Inception Report & Framework for Mapping Digital Technology:
    • Provide an overview of best practices in digital technology in tourism.
    • Identify critical areas where technology can boost tourism value capture.
    • Develop 3 case studies and a framework for mapping digital technology use in Gambia's tourism value chain.
    • Submit an inception report with case studies, methodology, workplan, and timelines.
  2. Mapping Digital Technology in Gambia’s Tourism Value Chain:
    • Conduct online and in-country research on digital technology use across tourism sectors.
    • Identify gaps and opportunities for digitalization and emerging technology integration.
    • Present findings in a PowerPoint format.
  3. Identification of Barriers to Digital Adoption:
    • Use interviews to validate the value chain map and identify barriers to digital adoption.
    • Highlight policy, infrastructure, incentives, and skills barriers and their intersection with the National Tourism Policy and Strategy.
    • Present the barriers analysis as part of the value chain mapping in PowerPoint.
  4. Strategy for Digital Transformation of the Tourism Sector:
    • Based on mapping results, identify policy options for leveraging digital technology, aligning with international best practices and national strategies.
    • Provide short- and long-term initiatives, including quick wins, and recommendations on regulatory reforms, digital infrastructure, and skills development.
    • Finalize the strategy in PowerPoint format.


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